Pansies on our Picnic Table |
Hi Guys,
Rhododendron Bush |
Blue Violets |
Well, it's been a while since I went out looking for signs of spring. Last night my husband, dogs, and I walked around our neighborhood, and we found an abundance of beauty.
Magnolia Tree |
Tulips |
We saw trees, bushes, tulips, daffodils, violets, and many other spring flowers in full bloom. I am thankful that we did not have the damaging weather in the Northeast that they had in the South. My heart goes out to all those who have been affected by the floods and tornadoes, and I hope their recovery will be swift.
Pink Rose Bush |
Apple Trees |
Perhaps those of you who have not yet experienced spring will derive a moment of joy from my photos. It's hard to believe that just four months ago we had 79 inches of snow covering the landscape. Just look at it now!
Today's tip isn't about decorating, but about experiencing the beauty of Mother Nature. Take some time to walk around your neighborhood and look for the beauty that surrounds your little piece of the planet.
Forsythia Bushes |
Daffodils |
Magnolia Flowers |
Azalea Bushes |
Andromeda Bush |